How Age and Gender Affects Car Insurance

Insurance companies consider age as one of the main factors when calculate a car insurance quote. To them the driver's age count as driving experience. Gender also is an important factor in car insurance costs.
Average car insurance by age
The insurance companies relies heavily on its own collected data to predict the likelihood of a driver having an accident. When a driver has more years of experience, they are less likely to get involved into an accident. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, drivers up to the age of 20 are three times more likely to be involved in an accident. That means younger drivers would on average pay more for their car insurance than older drivers.
We checked the quotes across more than 10 companies and present you the averege costs we got.
Average car insurance by gender
A large number of companies will also consider your gender in setting your car insurance quote. Based on statistics owned by insurance companies, men are riskier drivers as they are involved in more car accidents and get more penalties. As a result men cost insurers more when they make the claim and that is why men are charged a higher premium.
How to save money on car insurance as a younger or older driver
One way to save on car insurance is to check regularly quotes directly from insurance companies or price comparison websites as they tend to offer you benefits if you revisit them constantly. Beside this you have to keep your credit in good shape if you would like to get any discount. Every insurance company offers discounts to lower your insurance premium, you just have to ask your agent for more details. And of course the most important is to keep your history clean because accidents and tickets drive up car insurance premiums.
To research quotes for each age group, we assessed two drivers: a male and a female, and the same car for each driver: 2017 Chevrolet Malibu doing 13 000 miles per year.