10 Ways to Make Your Car Last Longer

We prepared for you 10 easy-to-follow tips to minimise the running costs and to avoid some expensive repair bills.
1. Do not run low on fuel
Running on low fuel can damage the fuel pump. Fuel acts like a coolant for the fuel-pump mechanism, so when you are low on fuel the pump starts to suck in air that results in overheating and prematurely wear. Moreover when you run low on fuel, impurities from the fuel that settle at the bottom of the tank can be sucked by the fuel pump which can end up in an expensive repair bill.
2. Top up fluids regularly
All the necessary fluids allow the car works efficiently. So if you want to avoid costly and unnecessary repairs you have to check them regularly and to top up if necessary. We suggest checking some fluids every month. This should include engine oil and windshield fluid. Other fluids like coolant, brake fluid, transmission oil need to be checked less often, once in every 6 months.
3. Avoid potholes and rough pavements
A really badly surfaced road can easily damage your suspension, tyres and even rims if a pothole is hit hard. So where is possible, it’s always a good idea to choose roads with smoother surfaces that can save you more than you may think.
4. Drive smoothly
If you can drive smoothly you will cause less wear on your brakes, tyres and many more components. And of course you will save on fuel. For a smooth ride you have to use gently you steering wheel, gearbox and pedals. Also is important to keep a right line when you take through the corners which will help as well keep your passengers more comfortable.
5. Check your tyres
Vehicle's tyres are very important for the efficiency of your car and for your own safety. It is recommended to check the tyre pressure once a week and before every long ride. You have to make sure that your tyres are topped up to the recommended pressures, these are usually listed on the driver's door jamb and in the owner's manual. Otherwise you risk to damage the tyre, rim and a lot of suspension componenets that may be not visible at first sight.
6. Use your air conditioner
By keeping your air-con switched off for a long period of time a lot of damage can be done to its seals and any other major components which are not lubricated. So in the end when you will finally use it, some leaks can appear that can end up in an expensive repair.
Moreover it is recommended to use your air-con in winter to demist the windows because the air from the vents is dry and the system works like a dehumidifier.
7. Control the clutch
If you have a manual gearbox make sure you do not rest your foot on the clutch pedal. When you do this, the clutch will slightly engage and lead to unnecessary friction. For someone this is an evident point but anyway there is a lot of people used to drive like this.
8. Keep it clean and covered
Despite high quality of interior materials you can damage some of the plastic components if you keep your car at direct sunlight. So if you have a garage, use it properly. Moreover you will reduce the risks of vandalism and theft.
Maintaining your car’s exterior clean will help you maintain the paint. And when cleaning inside you eliminate harmful bacteria that can accumulate on different interior components.
9. Do not ignore gauges
The gauges on the dashboard tell you a lot of information about your vehicle and its problems. So make sure you watch them and if any of them is turning on or flashing consult imediatly the owners manual to find out what it tells you or visit a service.
10. Follow the service schedule
Some of your car's components are developed to last just a certain amount of time or mileage. Failing to replace them on time can cause you problems and expensive later repairs.