Third Party vs Comprehensive Insurance

As you noticed a lot of different terms when looking for insurance, we are trying to facilitate your search and explain the difference between Third Party, Fire & Theft and Comprehensive cover.
Third Party, Fire & Theft
TPFT cover is one of the available levels of car insurance you can buy, usually the cheapest option on the market. Let's supose that you are involved in a car accident and it is proved that it is your fault, then TPFT insurance will cover any losses you caused to the other person and their property but no damage will be covered to your own car. TPFT insurance covers you just if your car is damaged in a fire or stolen.
At the moment third party insurance is the minimum you can legally have, but some insurance companies already do not offer just third party cover but third party, fire & theft instead.
Comprehensive Insurance
Comprehensive Insurance includes all of the features of TPFT plus it covers damage on your own vehicle, even if it is your fault. It covers even vandalism, in case that someone intentionally scratches your car. In addition, comprehensive insurance, gives you the oportunity to drive other people’s cars if you have their permission.
Which one is more expensive?
It is used to think that comprehensive insurance is more expensive than TPFT cover, and usually that is right. But sometimes insurance companies may lower the price for the comprehensive policy, trying to motivate you to go for the higher level of cover. So it is crucial to check the prices for all insurance policies before deciding which one to choose. And even if comprehensive cover is more expensive, it is worth reviewing what option is better: to pay a little more for insurance or in case of a claim to repair your car on your own.